Andre Calvert’s 3rd Favorite Game of 2020: The Pedestrian (PC)


Andre Calvert’s 3rd Favorite Game of 2020: The Pedestrian (PC)

The Pedestrian, developed by Skookum Arts, may be one of the more overlooked games of 2020 because it first came out on PC in January with minimal hype. I had been following the development of this game over the past year or so, initially drawn to it by the game’s concept and visual style. Using the basic pedestrian symbol we are all used to seeing is incredibly clever, but even better is the puzzle design of using street signs as puzzle pieces to move around and connect to one another in a 2D experience within a 3D world. The puzzles themselves are just challenging enough that give good satisfaction once you find the right puzzle layout to move your pedestrian through to the next level. I like indie games that try to do something new and unique that is presented well and that is exactly what The Pedestrian is. It’s not a puzzle game you’ve seen before, and despite it not having any Portal-eque story attached to it, you still feel like you’re on a journey and the concept ends up carrying your interest to the next puzzle.

The Pedestrian

The Pedestrian

Developer: Skookum Arts
Publisher: Skookum Arts
Release Date: January 29, 2020
Platforms: PC
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