Trailer Impressions: Far Cry 4


The Far Cry series has always been a fan favorite, but Far Cry 3 really expanded on the series’ popularity. At this year’s E3 Far Cry 4 was announced along with the first trailer of the game. Now Ubisoft has released the Survive Kyrat trailer. One of my major takeaways from this trailer is that Ubisoft has managed to ramp up the action from Far Cry 3. This impresses me because I loved Far Cry 3 simply because it seemed like there was always something action packed to do. Far Cry 4 seems to blow the doors off of 3 in this trailer.

At about the one minute mark in the trailer we see some game play, and this game looks flat out beautiful! I personally believe that this is going to be one of the games that you show your friends to show off what your fancy next gen console is capable of. The open world aspect seems to be put on a grander scale this time around with the inclusion of very mountainous terrain. To say that I am excited for this game is a complete understatement. Mark your calendars for this release!

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